I am an illustrator from Enshi, China, and I am also a national minority person who is influenced by Chinese culture and national minority culture at the same time. My work relates to a place called Enshi. It is a city where I grew up, and it is also one of the the ethnic autonomous prefectures in China. It is situated on the south bank of the Yangtze River. Most of the people in Enshi, including myself, are from one of the national minority groups, called Tujia. Tujia means "local families" in Mandarin. In the past, Tujia was a unique group which included many special cultures. As I grew up, China was experiencing many major shifts. In my hometown, today, students like me need to be taught additional lessons about our costumes, festivals, sports, and foods.

The many different cultures we learned about or experienced influenced us, making people like me who grew up from 1990 to 1999 different from the older generations. Based upon these unique memories from my childhood, I have created a series of images to record my memories and moments, telling all the interesting and unforgettable things and people I could remember from that time.

Selected in Springboard Window Art

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